sábado, 9 de abril de 2011

[J2ME] CA-Mobile Framework

Well, in this occasion want to show you the CA-Mobile Framework, a tool for design & develop educational collaborative activities based on mobile devices with J2ME support.

CA-Mobile Framework was developed when I was studying my Ph.D., and includes several instruments for the educational field, however this framework includes an API (CA-Mobile API) for develop collaborative software over Bluetooth communications between mobile devices and PC. For this reason, the CA-Mobile API include two versions: mobile version and desktop version.

Using this API you can develop applications in mobile devices in an easy way, including a simple and homogeneous GUI based on single menus and canvas to show different content (text, graphics, animations, etc).

The CA-Mobile API allows you to communicate mobile devices and PC on the same way to exchange string messages and files like images from camera, text, video or http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifanother format.

This is a work in progress but the beta version of two API are available for use it in open and non-comercial projects.

This is the official site of CA-Mobile Framework and you can download beta version of API there.

If you need some help or you are interested in this project, you can contact me by email.

I hope that CA-Mobile API will be to helpfull in your future projects, Enjoy it!

Demo of app developed with CA-Mobile API:

3 comentarios:

  1. hola gracias por la infromacion que brindas , tendras algun ejemplo de como imprimir desde j2me usando tecnologia bluetooh

  2. hi thanks for the information they provide will have some example of how to print from j2me using bluetooth technology

  3. please send me CA-Mobile API SE version beta 1.0 and CA-Mobile API ME version beta 1.3
